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  • arafa

    Breastfeeding in public thoughts?
    9 years agoin Family & Kids-All
    Answers(5) Comments(0)
  • Chenyong
    I think the government shoul provide a private place for such thing.
    9 years ago
  • mayjoy
    I haven't been keeping abreast of the topic. I know that breast feeding in public has its knockers but that is no reason to milk the subject.
    9 years ago
  • liam
    I have tried breast feeding in public but the women were offended and called the police
    9 years ago
  • daviad
    It's a real shame that some of those attitudes still persist. Mothers should feel comfortable enough to be able to breastfeed where they want. They shouldn't have to hide themselves away to feed those baby naturally.
    9 years ago
  • muza

    I certainly think it is a good thing if mothers take care of their children. If I cannot handle looking at it, I can turn my head away.

    If only mothers were allowed to be mothers in this country, and if only the babyformula-mafia hadn't such a strong grip on the perceptions of breastfeeding, perhaps this would be a non-issue.

    9 years ago

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